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London Cross Solution Consulting

Local Authorities


IoT technology is now central to the digital transformation journey of many local authorities. It empowers them to significantly reduce operating costs, lessen their environmental footprint, and enhance the quality and breadth of services they provide.


By optimizing energy consumption, water usage, waste collection, infrastructure monitoring and road maintenance etc, this digital shift, powered by real-time data and automation can revolutionize how local authorities deliver societal and economic value.

How We Help

City Crosswalk

We help local authorities to fully understand their operating context, identify, evaluate and select the key issues and opportunities to address through IoT. We help them to navigate the complex and dynamic IoT landscape, develop their network strategy, define tailored solutions, secure funding and create robust business cases and transformation strategies. Throughout their digital evolution, we ensure the delivery of tangible results while adeptly managing risks from inception to completion.

IoT Opportunities for Local Authorities

IoT projects require network connectivity, and local councils are in prime position to leverage the rise of IoT by retrofitting connectivity solutions into their existing infrastructure and assets.

The IoT Network Infrastructure Opportunity

As service providers such as utilities companies look to deploy IoT solutions such as smart metering, they need access to network infrastructure which they often deploy and manage themselves. However, as these are deployed on council assets, local authorities risk missing out on a valuable new source of income by providing network-access-as-a-service.
There are many ways that authorities can partner with technology companies to deploy IoT networks from simple BOT (build, operate, transfer) models to full outsourcing or Public-Private Partnerships. 
IoT network technologies encompass Wi-Fi, Zigbee, LoRaWAN, and Cellular IoT variants such as NB-IoT and LTE-M. When choosing the right technology, it's essential to weigh considerations like cost, range, bandwidth, power consumption, scalability, and the requirements of the targeted applications. A combination of network technologies may be required.
We help Local Authorities to navigate the network market, develop their network strategies, engage and select vendors, build business cases and support the sourcing and deployment process.

Key IOT Solutions

​Here are some key IoT solutions and their respective benefits for local authorities:

Energy Management & Sub Metering

Solutions: Monitors and controls energy usage in public buildings and spaces.
Benefits: Energy savings, reduced costs, and a lowered carbon footprint.

Waste Management

Solution: Smart bins equipped with sensors to notify when they are full.
Benefit: Efficient waste collection, reduced costs, and cleaner public spaces

Vehicle Fleet Management

Solution: GPS tracking, onboard diagnostics, fuel sensors, and other IoT devices to gather, transmit, and analyze data from each vehicle in real-time.
Benefit: Benefits: Fewer trips / vehicles, reduced fuel consumption, increased efficiency and effectiveness, longer-vehicle lifespan.

Public Safety

Solution:  Surveillance cameras, emergency response coordination tools, and disaster and early warning systems.

Benefit: Enhanced public safety, faster emergency responses, and better-prepared communities.

Predictive Maintenance

Solution: Sensors on infrastructure like bridges, roads, and buildings to predict wear and tear.

Benefit: Reduced maintenance costs, extended infrastructure lifespan, and enhanced public safety.

Smart Street Lighting

Solution: Adaptive Street-lighting that adjusts based on natural light availability or pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Benefit: Energy savings, reduced costs, and enhanced public safety.

Environmental Monitoring

Solution: Sensors that monitor air and water quality.
Benefit: Public health protection, informed policy-making, and improved community awareness.

Water Management & Self Billing

Solution: Systems that monitor water consumption and detect leaks in real-time. Local Authorities can also explore becoming licensed for self-billing.
Benefit: Water conservation, reduced costs, and early detection of infrastructure issues

Smart Parking

Solution:  Real-time monitoring of available parking spaces.

Benefit: Reduced traffic congestion, increased parking revenue, and improved user experience.

Community Engagemement

Solution:  Platforms offering real-time feedback, alerts, and data-sharing with the public.

Benefit:Improved communication, more informed residents, and enhanced trust.

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Ready to find out more?

Please contact us to learn more about our services, to commission an initial assessment or to set-up a no obligation conference call.

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